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15 Graphic Design Trends

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Let me introduce you to the graphic design trends for 2025.

1. 3D Graphics

The theme of 3D graphics has existed for some time, but it has gained more attention in recent years. This is largely because the range of things that can be expressed has expanded thanks to advances in technology and software development.

With the emergence of AR and VR in web design and applications, the increasing speed of the internet and technology, and amazing software advancements, the environment is now favorable for designers to take on 3D in every aspect.

It is now possible to create incredibly realistic 3D graphics, to the point where the line between the digital and real worlds is becoming more and more blurred. 3D graphics are also a form of expression that has a huge impact, and are becoming an important part of the core of graphic design.

You can create even more original designs by combining photographs or flat illustrations with 3D designs or even animations.

The benefits of incorporating 3D designs are that they look attractive and allow you to create artistic pieces, and they also capture the attention and interest of those who see them.

Practical and attractive 3D designs are gaining momentum and to understand the trend, take a look at these amazing designs:

2. Design with emojis

Recently, we are seeing more and more “emoji” in designs. By using emoji, we can express “emotions” in texts, websites, and printed materials. It is no exaggeration to say that emojis are now at the heart of communication.

This isn’t just limited to social media like Snapchat and Instagram; incorporating emojis into your designs can also help liven up communication. This is due to the fact that it allows reactions and responses to be expressed clearly and emotions to be conveyed intuitively.

For these reasons, we believe that the trend of incorporating emojis into design is likely to gain even more momentum in the coming years. And it is precisely when designers incorporate such universal elements into their designs that their skills are put to the test. In 2025, creative and imaginative designs incorporating emojis will be a trend.

3. Nature-Inspired Design

“Nature-inspired design,” which incorporates organic, soft, natural elements, has been around for the past decade or so, though it hasn’t received much attention.

This technique, which captures nature and sunlight, soft, earthy tones, natural gradients, and flowing lines, pairs perfectly with minimalism.

It is easy to combine with calm color schemes and illustrations, and you can also use color filters to create a natural atmosphere and textures such as wood and stone. This type of design will be more popular in the coming year.

Commercial designers, in particular, have the potential to create great designs by successfully reflecting people’s moods in their designs. Yes, if you can’t go to the mountains, just create them.

And since nature’s essential qualities lend themselves to all manner of design, tech and commerce, it’s good to see this source of inspiration looming over design trends in 2025.

4. Design that incorporates optical illusions

When people see a design or piece of work that uses optical illusions, they naturally pay attention to it for a long time and feel the urge to try to figure out how it works.

In this way, designs that use optical illusions can attract the attention of people who are constantly exposed to various information every day. In 2025, designs that use this “optical illusion” will be one.

This style is even better if your brand has a quirky or spiritual image, but if you simply need to be memorable or stand out, optical illusions can be the key to your success.

It can be a magical way to grab people’s attention and pique their interest, as it requires a long period of staring if you want to get it just right.

However, not everyone has the time, so you’ll need to create more impactful designs without complicating things too much.

5. 3D Typography

In 2020, various designers incorporated playful ideas into typography, which was well received by many people. Typography has always been taken up by many designers as a subject of art.

What will typography be like in 2025? Rather than something new being created, a style of expressing typography in 3D is gaining attention.

In addition to more realistic 3D rendering technology that makes you feel like you can touch it, the possibilities are endless when combined with elements such as animation, textures, and patterns.

In fact, typography is quickly becoming one of the hottest topics in the graphic design industry, and by combining on-trend techniques you can create some surprisingly imaginative designs.

6. Manga style illustrations

Many styles are commonly seen on websites, such as complex graphics, clean, digital expressions, and sophisticated minimalist designs, but using original illustrations can make your design stand out.

Illustrations are more diverse than ever and useful for entertaining people and adding an accent to designs.

Many people are interested in illustrations, and this trend will undoubtedly continue in the future. In particular, manga-style illustrations will likely attract much attention in 2025.

Manga-style illustrations are versatile, can be used in a variety of places, and can make people smile. They are easy to remember, perfect for branding, and can create the atmosphere of products and websites. They can be used in various designs, such as websites, business cards, posters, and presentation materials.

7. Gold Design

Already popular in product design, gold designs are set to become extremely popular in 2025. Metallic designs work well with minimalist designs, but they also have the ability to draw attention to themselves, drawing the eye to the finer details.

8. Luxurious plating

Gold can give a luxurious and effective impression. Even the most ordinary items can be made special by adding gold plating to them. Take a look at the examples below to get an idea of ​​how this trend will emerge in 2025.

9. Modern style with gold and other elements

In 2025, we will see gold being combined with other materials in a variety of imaginative designs. When combined with gold, it creates a striking contrast that will surprise people.

10. Voxel Art

A voxel is a 3D cube. Voxel art is easy to understand if you think of it as pixel art in 3D. It can be understood intuitively like Lego blocks, and voxel art is used in various games, including Minecraft.

3D design has gained a lot of attention in the last few years, and designs that combine geometric shapes have also become a trend. Voxel art is a perfect combination of these two, so it would only naturally become a trend.

Voxel art is characterized by its simplicity, which even children can understand, and its retro charm, which still gives off a modern impression. Take a look at the curated collection below to see what’s possible – they’re all dynamic, fun, and memorable.

11. Monochrome and duotone

The idea of ​​using a limited number of colors in a design is popular in modern design, not only because of its sleek and cool look, but also because of the increasing complexity of the designs.

Complex designs tend to be too information-heavy, but by limiting the number of colors used, the design can be simplified, making it easier to understand.

You can expand the scope of your own expression by using monochrome filters or thinking of ways to incorporate duotone effects. As more and more people are spending time in front of their computers, there is a belief that a more subdued design for websites is also required.

Color schemes are one answer, and they can bring a sense of unity to a design and bring out the emotional impact of color.

12. Geometric shapes

The style of combining geometric shapes to create a single design has been popular for the past few years, but we believe it will reach its peak in 2025. Geometric shapes can be combined with vibrant blocks of color to create imaginative designs.

13. 3D Geometric Shapes

First, let’s look at some examples of 3D, which is gaining attention in 2025. Simple blocks with 3D depth, shadows, and gradients will be hugely popular in 2025. The simple yet attractive design offers great potential for imaginative creations.

14. Simple geometric shapes

The art of turning simple objects into impressive works of art through ingenuity is appealing and is something to watch out for in 2025. Each individual shape is very simple, but by combining them you can create abstract and fascinating designs.

15. Colorless Design

In a colorful world, there’s something comforting about being colorless . Bright, bold colors are a great way to grab attention, but in 2025, we’ll be watching for the opposite trend. With so much confusing information and an increase in unusual designs, a smart choice to compete with them might be to take a completely opposite approach rather than going head-on.

In 2020, slightly more subdued color schemes were in fashion, but in 2025, “colorless,” which takes this trend even further, will attract attention.

Classic, soft, delicate, and slightly eerie, the monochrome designs are hypnotizing and nostalgic.

It’s not boring at all, it creates a certain atmosphere and enhances other animations, shadows, organic shapes, content, etc. Moreover, it works well with the dark mode that has been gaining attention in recent years.

This classic style can be used for a variety of purposes, but we’re not just talking black and white grayscale. This trend can also be combined with minimal highlight colors like soft sepia tones.


Like web design, “3D” is likely to be a major trend in graphic design in 2025. Like voxel art, the idea of ​​creating new designs by replacing existing designs with 3D has a wide range of applications, so it may be useful to keep in mind this. We hope you will try your hand at graphic design while considering the above trends.


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