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Graphic Design vs Art

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Graphic design is a discipline that encompasses many functions and whose professional profile of specialization in the business world is increasingly in demand. This is due to its usefulness in solving problems.

On the other hand, we find art, whose main purpose is to make people reflect or transmit feelings or ideas to the public. In this post, we will try to establish the similarities between graphic design vs art and the differences that separate them.

The work of art directors

Although design and art are often treated as synonymous concepts, this is not the case. While they have some common points, it should also be noted that there are many differences between the two.

When we discuss the figure of art directors, it is more complicated to establish this clear distinction since this professional profile is responsible for many functions of very different kinds and works in very diverse fields.

In sectors such as marketing, professionals who occupy the positions of art directors are responsible for generating ideas and offering those in charge of advertising the first steps to take in each project. In addition, art directors usually complete their work by working hand in hand with graphic designers, hence the confusion that sometimes arises.

Art directors are, therefore, often in charge of managing the image of campaigns, including the proposal and, sometimes, the artists’ selection. In any case, the work of the graphic designer, the art director, and the artist of each project must be closely related.

Relationship between Art Design and Graphic Design

As mentioned before, art and graphic design are closely related disciplines, but we must not forget that they are two different variables with specific particularities. It should also be noted that the purpose pursued by each is far from the same.

On the one hand, graphic design seeks to solve a problem that arises for a company. This problem can be of many types, but the most common involves finding a solution to communication issues or using certain devices.

On the other hand, art is intended to transmit or express an idea, a thought, or a feeling. In conclusion, it is about maintaining a dialogue or a connection with the viewer so that they are awakened to some feeling towards the brand.

Design work is often integrated into the art department in many companies and agencies due to the relationship between both disciplines. When these two disciplines are correctly merged, the best projects emerge since good designs are produced that integrate the styles and trends of the moment appropriately.

Differences between art and graphic design

We have already seen the components of each of the aforementioned disciplines and their relationships. Therefore, it is time to establish the differences between art and graphic design.

At first, we can establish three clear differences: the purpose sought by each, the sources of information they use to develop the projects in question, and the role played by creativity.

1. The purpose sought through each of them

Through art, we seek to explore new concepts and highlight innovative and groundbreaking ideas. Artists’ work usually focuses on developing new themes and styles.

On the other hand, graphic design seeks to observe the best responses to problems in order to continue developing them. In other words, design is based on observation to increase the effectiveness of responses.

Graphic design focuses on functional and objective work, as it is ultimately about making the user’s navigation as satisfactory as possible. However, art depends to a greater extent on the personality of its creator and what he or she intends to convey through it, so it is a purely subjective work.

Finally, we find the analysis of the results among the differences we find between art and graphic design in relation to the purpose sought by each of these variables.

Measuring the work a graphic designer develops is simple, so it can be quantified objectively and quickly based on the variables selected in each case. On the other hand, measuring the work of an artist is difficult in quantitative terms since, as we have mentioned, it is a completely subjective task that depends largely on the eyes with which the user looks at it personally.

2. The sources of information they use to develop the projects in question

About the sources of information used to feed the work of graphic designers, we find a multitude of data collected directly to analyze user behavior. The objective of this collection is for the graphic designer to be able to discover and understand what possibilities the company can consider to improve.

The more objective and complete the information considered in ​​graphic design, the better the results obtained and the easier for the brand to choose the appropriate option to increase the ratios it considers.

On the other hand, art uses the author’s own mind as its main source of information. Artists often draw on different types of content, whether related or not to their artistic discipline, to get inspiration when developing their work.

3. The role that creativity plays

The last major distinction is creativity’s role when developing art and graphic design work. This is a very clear difference, as can be deduced from everything explained throughout the post. Creativity is a fundamental part of most study disciplines today. However, this does not mean that a graphic designer’s work is going to be classified as artistic.

It is important to understand that a creative design does not necessarily have to be different or original. Creativity goes further. It is important to understand that a graphic design is going to be creative because it solves a problem or responds to a functional question in the most appropriate way possible.

In this way, given the diversity of situations in which the same design is used, some can be classified as creative solutions given by the graphic designer, and others not.

Art can be considered a creative discipline since the creativity that the artist pours into the work is the very essence of creativity.

4. The personality of the person who develops them

In conclusion, we can say that the difference between artists and graphic designers is, first of all, a matter of “ego”, which is where they differ. Design is an objective job that has nothing to do with the personality of the graphic designer. On the contrary, art is based entirely on the personality of its artist and what he or she wants to communicate through his or her creation.

Art questions. Design resolves.

By establishing the main differences between art and graphic design, we have already seen that the purposes pursued through these two disciplines are very different.

Art arises as an expression of its artist in such a way that it tries to evoke feelings in users. What graphic designers pursue is to provide the best solution to a problem that arises.

In short, art tries to inspire the viewer, to arouse feelings in them that make them question reality, an idea, their way of life, their future, while design simply focuses on the questions that users pose to try to satisfy them.

This does not mean that an artist does not develop his work thinking about people’s needs and problems. Quite the contrary. Artists’ works usually focus on providing the author’s vision of reality. Some authors who focus their works on criticism can be.

Design is not created to be interpreted by the user as it suits them best or to extrapolate information for their daily lives. Graphic designers solve problems, which normally focus on clearly establishing the brand’s intention when launching a certain message to the market.

Another difference between art and graphic design is the quality of a process-based discipline that characterizes the latter and is meaningless in the former.

This statement is not meant to imply that art is not based, in certain matters, on processes or structures. Rather, it is meant to imply that the processes that characterize graphic design are much more evident and structured.

Finally, developing the idea mentioned above regarding the user’s opinion is worth developing. The user’s opinion and personality are key to understanding the artist’s work since art is ultimately based on the interpretation that each person wants to give it.

Design can also be based on opinion but differently from art. A person may understand that a design is more or less pretty or may like it to a greater or lesser extent. However, the functionality of the graphic design in question should be measured in this case.

Differences between graphic art and graphic design

Therefore, we can say without a doubt that artists and graphic designers work in disciplines that, although they have certain common features, are very different.

This is not to say that these are opposite disciplines, but rather that they are two fields of study that, when understood together, can lead to creative and practical solutions to real, everyday issues.


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