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How Much Is Logo Design Price in the Philippines

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How much does web, logo design price Philippines, and its price is a fairly common question. When you want to launch or remodel a company to take care of its corporate image, the first thing you must do is consider a good logo design; the brand image comes first.

Any company that wants to offer a quality image needs a professional logo. Large companies have large capitals and can spend huge amounts of money on a company or famous design studio to create their corporate image. Still, now we offer you access to a quality image at an affordable price. Let’s see all the details we told you about logos and their price, as well as how much they charge for a logo.

Why the price of a logo

You may wonder how much a logo costs, but why is a professional custom logo design so cheap? Well, it’s not a gift, it’s the right price. We can design a quality logo by investing the necessary hours to offer you a professional, creative, quality design for a moderate and affordable price, always reasonable with the work invested.

The fact that we are graphics designers and the savings on-premises and administrative staff also influence the price. The math is easy: 10 hours at 35 dollars per hour = 350 dollars. An investment of 10 hours in a logo is reasonable; neither you pay more, nor we charge less.

At Graphics PH, we do not intend to offer this service to these large companies, and we are fully aware that what a large professional design studio dedicated entirely to your corporate image can offer you can never be replaced. Now, that costs money, so don’t expect a group of professionals from a multidisciplinary design studio to be at your disposal for 350 dollars.

But what we do aim to do with our democratic and fair-cost professional logo design plans is to give any business or SME access to launch onto the market with a minimum of quality and professionalism in their corporate image and it all starts with your logo.

The logo is the company image

Your company’s image depends on it. A company with an old-fashioned logo of two or three letters, one on top of the other, that “my nephew made me in Paint” is not the same as seeing how a company shows off its brand new professional logo, an image that speaks of quality and commitment, a logo that is properly oriented to the product or service it offers or to the sector to which the company belongs.

Making a letter “J,” for example, and putting it inside a circle is something anyone can do, but making a real logo is complicated because it is something creative, and if it has to be of quality, you have to have some basic design notions, in addition to having a good idea for each project and knowing how to express it professionally, an idea that provides at a glance what the company hopes to be or currently is, what it wants to offer and what it hopes its clients perceive it to be, before even knowing it.

We must not forget the functionality. It is a functional logo, and its application is simple, not complicated, and useful. With a vectorized logo, you have that possibility, and if it is well-designed, you will achieve it.

Quality, creativity, and functionality.

What kind of logo do you offer on Graphics PH?

At Graphics PH, we offer affordable, quality products with various possibilities, and we are open to all types of clients and their needs. We have decided to diversify our prices for creating a logo because each client has different needs, and we cannot equate them all equally. You cannot charge thousands of dollars for a corporate identity when that client needs a simple logo for a website or online business focused solely on the web or even for a self-employed person with a small local business that needs nothing more than a decent identity.

Thousands of such small businesses are not looking to win prizes with logos worth thousands of dollars.

For the same reason, a simple logo cannot be offered to a company looking to expand nationally or internationally, to a business offering a direct B2C (business to customer) service, or to another offering B2B (business to business) services.

Free or cheap automatic and tacky logos

The logo design price Philippines is not a simple question. Logos bought in a shop window or pre-designed are not usually a good option, it will always be necessary to personalize them because your image is unique, one and only one, and it should be that way for the good of your company or business.

The big agencies and renowned design studios are fine with their award-winning work and designs for famous brands behind them but the prices are not affordable for everyone.

What a logo is worth is its design. If your design is the same as 2000 other logos, your design is worthless, and neither is your brand. That is why the price of a logo has an implicit value that no one understands at first glance, and that is exclusivity.

The fact is that there is an important intermediate niche: people, professionals, and companies that need an affordable but quality logo. In that area, we work, trying to cover a good number of needs for self-employed workers, studios and offices, and small and medium-sized companies that do not need large and famous designs but do need to make themselves known with a quality image—an image that is not tacky.

What is the price of logos on Graphics PH?

How much does logo design cost Philippines? We provide a logo quote. For example, our prices include three bands adapted to each particular case or need, which allows each company or professional to adjust their expense based on their needs without paying more or less.

Logo design workflow

The workflow for logo design with any client is the same:

  • In the first phase, we carry out the briefing. In this questionnaire, we outline the factors, characteristics, and personality of the project to begin working on, as well as the business’s needs, desires, and expectations.
  • Once this has been clarified, we move on to the initial proposal phase. We do not eliminate logo proposals or present you with one or two. At Graphics PH, we present you with at least three logo proposals, although in some projects, we have presented up to a dozen so that you can decide freely as a client. In other words, we do not choose for you, nor do we discard proposals that might be to your liking.

We then chose one to three of these first proposals to continue working on the concept, colors, nuances, typography, etc.

In a second phase, you would review the second proposals. If you agree with any of them as final or believe that they need some change, a third phase of final proposals would be carried out, during which we would choose the definitive logo.

Affordable logo design and web design for everyone, high quality, and with the personalized service of Graphics PH. Do you dare to have your image captured in a quality logo? Contact us to tell us your needs, and we will. We are web and graphic designers with more than 20 years of experience, so we can help with the design of your brand and, if you want, also with your website.


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